About Us

What We Are About

My name is Eric Gibson and we are a vibrant and happy family of five living in North Texas ("always warm, always sunny, sometimes Texas?")

Personally, I have been following crypto off and on for years but have become more involved with it just in the past couple of years, especially with Cardano and the FireTokenADA project, built on Cardano! My background is also in music, where I went to Music School and acquired a Bachelor of Science in Music at the University of Oregon. To this day, I like to compose and record. Some of my content can be found at: Spotify. Eventually would like to do some releases using Cardano.

Volunteering in local community has also been in my heart for as long as I can remember. I have served for: emergency rooms, homeless programs, church programs and most recently a fire station in Oregon and here is why:

In 2020 I was very much moved when we had the Rainbow Wildfire that destroyed so much of the forest I grew up with as a child in Oregon. All of my customers and peers were directly or indirectly impacted and I was directly involved with restoration efforts. There were multiple fires all over the Pacific Northwest and I remember that you just could not escape the thick smoke! Not long after this incident, I decided to join the Goshen Fire Station to help them with technical assistance. 

In 2022, our family decided to up and move to the Dallas/Ft. Worth area of Texas! We sold everything in Oregon, relocated and within a couple months, I got my real estate license. Now I am a REALTOR® and active with Century 21 Judge Fite which has been voted #1 best place to work in DFW. My license # is: 0795551

I chose Judge Fite because they are so focused on philanthropy and giving back to the community. We even have our own giving foundation that helps families displaced by fire accidents and other major catastrophes and support Easter Seals as well!

At the beginning of 2023 is when we decided to embark on making the Fire Animalz NFT project on the Cardano Blockchain while also experimenting with some of the new AI graphics technologies available. My kids love collecting Pokemon and are learning more about NFTs every day. This helps bring us together for family fun and enjoy the whole Cardano experience together. 

While it is definitely a lot of fun playing with the various technologies and learning about blockchain, we are also committed to donating at least 10% of profits to Wildfire Prevention (in the spirit of what FireTokenADA does). We are not looking to become the next Hosky or Spacebudz, but you know what? We are here to have fun and help local community. 

We really appreciate your support of Fire Animalz! At the end of the day, everyone can contribute something to their own communities. That is what we are about! Having fun and getting involved.

Much love, The Gibsons